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Showing posts from January, 2009


Hey Ladies, happy day to you all. It is the twenty-ninth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. I am so hoping and trusting that each time you open this blog, you experience the kind of excitement that I experience when I share these Epiphanies with you. I want to share with you today about your MOMENT IN TIME. It is a precious gift, an honor granted by God himself. As I go throughout the day, I am confronted with information that makes me appreciate each MOMENT IN TIME. I hear about people whose lives changed instantly, in one moment. I hear of so many tragic incidents, so many disappointments and on the other hand, I hear often of how, those same tragic incidents are turned into positive outcomes. It only takes A MOMENT to make a change for a lifetime. It takes A MOMENT to make the difference between success and failure. It takes A MOMENT to change...or remain the same. It is always, A MATTER OF CHOICE. But remember, as you are choosing how to react or ...


My dear sisters, another great day to be alive.... Yes, it is the Twenty-eighth day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. What a time. You know, I just wanted to give you a word of encouragement, for you, for the rest of your journey. My sisters, I want you to know that today, we are eradicating the LACK. Whatever it may be, in what ever area. get 24 hours, use them efficiently. Finances, God promised to supply all your needs. Talent...he has provided you with what you need...if it is not within, look at the people who he placed in your path and see what they are contributing to your purpose. I declare to you, this Day...there is NO MORE LACK...Where there may seem to be lack, apply KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING to eradicate the lack. Learn to speak those things that be not as though they were. There is power in your tongue....use it for blessings and not cursing. My sisters, you can, you will, you must...Succeed for God's Glory. So, with that excuse dead, ...


Greetings to all of you, We are HERE is the twenty-seventh day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. We are so fired up and excited about this place. Our present of NOW. We are HERE NOW. The how is not as important as taking the opportunities that are available to us at this very moment, this second, that has been gifted to us to do something. What do we do? Do we fret about the struggle that it took to get HERE? Do we regret arriving HERE at all? Do we spend our priceless time wanting to go back to where we came from? NO, NO, NO.....we stand up....and set our eyes upon the hills. HERE NOW is the time for us to appreciate this place....and DECIDE, emphatically within ourselves, that we will launch from today, from this place, HERE NOW the foundation for our future successes. HERE NOW, we will take an assessment of what we have and what we need.....HERE NOW, we must, bring forward all of our giftings and talents, our tenacity and our courage, and we must forge ...


My sisters, I greet you...happy day to you all. Today on this twenty-third day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. We are all fired up....and today, I ponder, as I often do... my position. I sometimes find myself asking the did I arrive here. When I started on my journey....who knew, I would end up in this place at this time. Some days....I wonder if maybe I took a wrong turn and ended up at a place I was not meant to be. Other days, I wake up and, ARRIVING HERE has been a thrill. One thing I know for that I have no idea why this path has been chartered for me. I have no idea what my next move will be, but I know one thing for sure...ARRIVING HERE has been incredible. En route, I have been up and down, happy and sad, full and empty, but I am ok in the position that I find myself in. I am so grateful that I have no regrets about ARRIVING HERE. I recognize that there are many places I could be at this moment....I know that b...


My sisters, It is a blessed day....It is the twenty-second day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. I greet you with love on today. It has been two days since my last blog, and those two days have been so FULL. I am all fired up. I am taking advantage of all the opportunities and open doors that are being presented to me. With much caution and guidance from above. We got fired up and now, we must get in position. Once in position, we must be STILL AND TRUST. TRUST that God knows the way we should take, TRUST that all things work together for good. TRUST that because you survived that last big incident, you are stronger than ever before. TRUST that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. TRUST that your latter shall be greater than your past. Be STILL AND TRUST, a force that is so much bigger than you and me. Be STILL AND TRUST the creator of all things. TRUST him with your life, your thoughts and all of your concerns. While you are in position...


My sisters, I greet you today with Joy and gladness, On this the nineteenth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. Having spent all last week getting "all fired up", now, it's time to put that flame in just the right place. Not under the bushel as we sometimes do. Being a little to bashful or frightened to allow the world to see the GLORY. This week, we must focus on GETTING IN POSITION. I have discovered, that sometimes, the area where God wants our light to shine, is suffering and neglected, because, we have not yet found our way to the right position. GETTING IN POSITION is not a simple process. It is not an instant process. It is not something that just happens. With deliberate actions only are we able to succeed at GETTING IN POSITION. I admonish you on today my sisters to look at where you are. Starting from within, with your thoughts and intents of the heart. Look at where your faith in God is based on the vision and dreams He has depo...


Greetings My Sisters, Blessed are you, WOMAN ON is the sixteenth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. If you haven't heard it yet, let me tell you my are HOT. You my sister, if you have been keeping up this have been ignited, I'm sure. Or, you are at least "HOT". I know for sure that you are "A WOMAN ON FIRE". You are seeking excellence, you are passionate about your purpose, your family and getting to the place of FULLNESS and GLORY that God desires. You should take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and confirm, that you are "A WOMAN ON FIRE", yes, you are HOT. Moving along, igniting others along the way. Though sometimes the flame may get a little dim, still, the heat is not extracted....FIRE is STILL Hot.... and even if you feel like the flame is out....remember if you have ashes.....They can be ignited again, just add a little KINDLING...and get stirred up again. As t...


I greet you my sisters, on this fabulous day. It is the fifteenth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. You have the fire burning now....we offered the kindling to keep itgoing, and now, even after all the effort, the fire of your soul is burning, but you still, have some threats against the flame. You know, how it is, you are feeling fantastic, because all the around you there is wood, people who contribute to the flame....but what about those things that aren't conducive to the torch. What about that one person, that one event, that one experience that is like a bucket of water on the passion of your soul? You didn't see it coming and you couldn't react fast enough, so it instantly put your flame out. Well, my sisters, have not fear. There are situations and circumstances that can knock out our flame, it is so bad that we get drenched under the pressure. But, as a word of encouragement, let me, my sisters, are LIKE FLINT. What....yes, I rea...


Hello my sisters, Here we are, on this fourteenth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. It is a blessed time to be here. I wanted to encourage you to MAINTAIN THE FLAME. Yes, the spark was ignited the fire and it is being fueled by those around you. Now, another suggestion to help you MAINTAIN THE FLAME... Put a little KINDLING on it. What is KINDLING...KINDLING is material that can be easily ignited. It is what is left over after you have taken the bigger pieces of wood. It is what some may consider trash and good for nothing. The flame of your soul requires every now and then a little KINDLING. The Wood that burns, was heavy to carry to the fire place, that trial, was much to bear. But, when you look at the leftover little branches, or gather the little details that you thought were really of no value... the little lessons and priceless experiences that came from each Fiery can use all of it to make your flame burn even brighter. It can re-ignite in a...


Greetings my sisters, This is the thirteenth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY...we are blessed to be here. I am feeling sparked, ready to move on my passion, the fire has started, but how do I keep it up? You know that when a fire is started, it does not just continue to burn on its own. Just like a natural fire....the fire of our soul will not just continue to burn on its own. So, we must continue to FUEL THE FIRE. How does that happen? Just like you would gather flamable things for a natural fire, such it is in the fire or our soul. We must FUEL THE FIRE, with things that will keep burning. We must surround ourselves with "flamable" folk, who have the ability to FUEL THE FIRE. We must listen to things that will FUEL THE FIRE.... don't allow people to fan you too much, they will put the fire out....a compliment is good every now and then, but you need to have someone who can sharpen you, brighten your flame, and keep you warm when the Cold sets i...


Greetings Sisters, It is the twelfth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS and GLORY.....Yes, it is a wonderful day to be alive. A thought to consider as we move through the seasons of our lives. I thought about the winter, when everything seems to be still and dry. When it might be considered a time to "hibernate". I would like to offer you, for your consideration, during the Winter Season...look for JUST A ignite that flame inside. When things are cold and takes JUST A SPARK to start a massive fire. It takes JUST A SPARK to burn under your feet or in your soul to get you moving into the direction your need to be going in. When I have become complacent and lost focus on what I really should be's funny how even a negative situation can give me JUST A SPARK to wake me out of my state of stupor so that I can fulfill my it fire, call it motivation, call it PASSION ON PURPOSE. JUST A SPARK by any other name......


Greetings My Sisters, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 Today is the ninth day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY. Today, I offer you, for your consideration....the precious gift of Time. It was snatched out of eternity by God so that we would have a method to measure our days. It is so precious, it is how we determine age. It is how we pace ourselves to achieve our goals and our dreams, remember, this is what we, the human use. God, the eternal father, has no use for it. He is from everlasting to everlasting. But, he will hold us accountable for what we do with our "time" He gives us a "lifetime" to fulfill our purpose while here on earth. And because we are eternal beings, based on what we do with our precious time here on earth, it will determine where our souls will spend eternity!!!! We have each been appointed a time to live, and a time to die. So I encourage you today, my sisters....don't waste your time. Don't allow people to waste your time. Use...


My sisters, yes we are victorious..... Malachi 3:2-3 Today is the eigth day of the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY....It is a blessing to be alive. I was inspired today to write about the many Refining Moments that we will experience in a lifetime. Another opportunity for God to get Glory. We are so precious to Malachi we are described as the precious metal, Silver...and God, is like a refiners fire. The fire that gets all the impurities out of the metal. It says He will sit as a refiner and purifier. I thought about how the fiery trials that we go through often leave us wondering, what was that all about. But, I believe that God wants to get His glory out of our lives each time we experience these REFINING Moments.... When Silver is all cleaned up and shining....we will truly be a reflection of God and He will get the GLORY as a result. My sisters, appreciate each refining moment, don't try to avoid the fire from on high; Go through the fire as a vessel of h...


Greetings my dear Sisters, It is the seventh day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY!!!! What a wonderful time to be alive and well. Today, as I look over my shoulder at the year that has gone...and I look towards my precious present and my promising future....I am gratefuf for God's grace. I find that His Grace is the ingredient that always determines the best outcome. I think about the fact that His Grace is applicable to is sufficient and efficient. It is what holds me up and picks me up when I have fallen. It is the courage to walk through the fire and water and not be consumed. His grace is, so amazing. His Grace is applied to hold the judgement for my shortcomings back. When I deserved to be destroyed and punished according to my commission of wrong....His Grace stepped in and opened the door for His Love and His love applied His Blood and Now I can experience His FULLNESS and He alone can get the GLORY. My, my, my....don't f...

No Regrets....No Grudges

Greetings my beautiful sisters, It is the sixth day in the first month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY!!!! I read today, from the books of James, one way to maintain our FULLNESS of Joy and let God get Glory..... We must live a life without regrets and grudges.....No regrets about what has been, what we did or did not do, what we should have done. We must not carry grudges against anyone who did this or that to us. We cannot change anything that has already happened, but we can control our own reaction to it. We cannot allow regret to hold us back from our promising future or our priceless present. We should look at the present and future as opportunities to do better and be wiser and stronger as a result of our past errors and mistakes. Whether self-inflicted wounds or by others....We are responsible for healing...we must start our individual process of healing. God will get the Glory when we react in a way that WE KNOW FLESH would not react. YES....we have to react not in the Ca...

A Word

Day 5....This is the fifth day in the first month in the Year of FULLNESS AND GLORY..... A blessed day it is, no matter what it looks like to our natural eyes. Because, I can say, this first five the natural...seems to have been a bit difficult.....I have already experienced the loss of a friend, a few personal dissappointments, but, I must say, that my good days have outweighed my bad, I won't complain. I know that It is all working out for my good. My word to you my sisters is to keep your head towards the hills, some things will happen over the next few weeks and the only thing you will be able to do is Look Up....don't say a word, just trust in the Word you Heard...and look up. Look up when you feel the tears need to fall down, look up when you think you can't take anymore....Look up and know that God in all His glory is looking down on you and waiting to move on your behalf....YES I Will Lift up Mine Eyes Towards the hills......Lift them up and...


Greetings my friends, today is the second day of the first month in the year of Fullness and Glory. So many incredible things happening, so many memories still fresh in our minds. Looking ahead with hope and looking back with appreciation and gratitude because "I survived", some things that happened in 2008 should have broken me, but, as Lady Brown shared,they just bent me a little. My quesiton is always.....What Glory shall come of this? and God says....when the Glory comes the trial will seem so can even stand in, today .....please be reminded,......Glory is coming, and then another trial, but this is the only way we can move and grow and complete our purpose....FROM GLORY TO GLORY....hang in there my sisters, You wil be so impressed when you see the finished product. Share your Journey with us...and help someone.....What is your Testimony for His Glory? What was your great trial of 2008.....Cause we have left all the mess behind as we cross...