I greet you today...it is A NEW, first, alpha day in the eighth month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY....It is A NEW opportunity for you to receive the revelation and A NEW opportunity to do something about it. Old is behind A NEW day is on the horizon...but what are you doing with the one you are living in now.....Being faithful over a few things, redeeming the time.....A NEW day, A NEW second, A NEW Minute, A NEW hour....but use them wisely....as they are a gift from God. Yes they are the present.....every present.....A NEW Morning with NEW Mercies...you have wept through your night....come on wake up and greet A NEW Morning....here you will find joy, here you will find fullness and here.....God will get the GLORY..... God bless and please share your good report so we can rejoice with A NEW rejoicing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Words shared among friends to inspire along the journey. Looking in the mirror, discovering and recovering as revelations are uncovered. Seeing and accepting all of me, owning my space and appreciating my place on the journey. Alive, Awake and Intentional!