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Showing posts from April, 2011

Standing in the Sun(SON)

My friends, my sisters, it is a blessed and spectacular day to be alive. This past Sunday, we, who are Christians, acknowledged that we have a risen savior...and because He lives, I can spring forth and Stand in the SUN (SON). It is the twenty-sixth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I feel so blessed. When my mind looks back over the year, the month, the week, just yesterday, I can say, it is another day that the Lord has kept me. I look forward to the bright future. I am most of all grateful to be found Standing in the Sun . Under the shadow of the almighty. It is important to me that I keep my hands clean, so that I can abide here. I must share with you sisters; it has been an interesting journey this year. There have been temptations and trials on every hand, but I want to abide under the shadow, I want to be worthy to be found Standing in the SON . I am blessed to have come this far, without losing my mind, my health, my strength or my de...

Spring Forth

My sister-friends, I am so excited about this time, this season, this moment. I feel a sense of refreshing and rejuvenation. It is the eighteenth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I feel like a flower in the spring time, a tulip that was planted last year. I am coming out, with new blossoms springing forth . I am grateful because God is reviving me. The winter season has passed... it was a difficult winter. The snow came and the hail and the sleet and the Co--oo-ld. I really experienced some chilly times. But, the fire inside kept me warm. I am grateful for the fire. Today, I just want to give you two words.... Spring forth . My sister, my friend... Spring Forth . Come up out of your dark place, they hibernation season is over... Spring Forth . Spring Forth with your new energy, new strength, new ideas... it is your time. Do you feel what I feel..? In the season of celebrating the resurrection of our savior....As He has made all things n...

In the Interim

My friends, I continue on this journey, in awe of what God is doing. I am understanding daily who He is and who I am. It is the fifteenth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I acknowledge this place, it is the interim. Interim means, temporary, provisional, short term, intervening, pro tem. Not yet at the final destination, but certainly on the way. This interim, this space, this place between here and there, now and when is a place for my learning, for my growth and for my stability. I recognize that God allows the interim so that He can steady, solidify, modify if necessary. God is here. He knows my place, he knows this space. God knows my then, my now and He alone controls my when. In the interim, I have to trust Him, must trust Him. Knowing for sure that I am His child, His jewel, His precious promise, I will trust in Him. My dear sister-friends God is reminding me that the interim is not permanent. It is but a route to the final destina...

Don't miss it...God is in the details Zechariah 4:10;"Who Hath Despised the Day of Small Things?"

My sister-friends, what a beautiful day, an incredible time to be alive, it is the thirteenth day of the fourth month in the year of R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I am truly excited about what God is doing in this day and season in my own life. I have reflected over the last year and have recognized that God has always been speaking every so sweetly and subtly in every detail of my life. I have, on occasion missed what He was saying to me. He spoke when I was hurting and told me that it would be alright. He reminded me when he woke me up with the sunshine that I can go on. When I looked up and saw the rain, He said now your garden can grow. When I felt the cold shivers go down my spine after uncovering a devastating situation, he said, I will preserve you and keep you during your winter season. He told me that I should not fear the midnight because it comes just before the break of day. He let me hear birds singing and He reminded me that He is the supplier of all needs. Ther...

The Determining Factor

My friends, it is the eleventh day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I have enjoyed my recent discoveries, I trust that you have as well. I have, over the last few weeks been reflecting over "the days of my life" and I recognize that in every decision there is an aspect, a factor that determines the outcome. I read diligently through the scriptures and I find that there are determining factors all throughout the Bible. I then take a look at me, at the place where I am on this journey and realize that I am the Determining Factor that God Chose to fulfill His purpose. Me, you, we are the ones who will "Save a nation and deliver a generation". Me, you, we are the ones who will Determine whether some will live or die. The determining factor "Me" will be a blessing or a curse, depending on how I behave. The determining factor "Me" will lead to victory or defeat, joy or sorrow, pain or peace. The determining factor ...

Discovering Me

Blessed I am on this beautiful day. It is the eigth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). A new day with breath in my body, it is another opportunity to fulfil my destiny, to understand my purpose. It is a day to discover more about me . Who I am, Who I am becoming, most importantly who God has created me to be. I discover the limitations that my frail, finite mind has bound me with. I discover the lack of faith and trust in God for life's issues that are seen through my eyes of flesh and understood through my limited understanding. Seeing through a glass darkly is what the Bible says. I am discovering how to push passed what I see (in the natural) and look with anticipation and hope to the bright future God has in store for me . Me , a woman of many colors, shades and views. Me , a woman with a story of triumph, trial and tenacity. Me , she is a mother a wife a daughter a sister and a friend. Me , she is one who desperately seeks to unders...

Discovering Love-I Corithinians 13

God bless you this day, it is the seventh day in the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). Another day to be grateful, another day to discover, another day to appreciate love. Love, a four letter word that is sometimes taken lightly, used loosely, carelessly. Love, discovering its substance, meaning, purpose. Love, It is what God said He is. Love, it is the tie that binds our hearts in christian love. Love keeps husbands and wives knitted together. Love is the key and the door. Many aspects of this mysterious thing, feeling, emotion called love. In relationships with everything and everyone, there are traces of Love. Love is for a mother to her child for a father to his son, for a friend to a friend. Love, it's needed more than anything else to make us healed and whole. That is why God provided us with so many examples of Love. Love, Real love, will push you beyond your own human limits and boundries. Love keep, preserve, protect. It is, as the sc...

Hope Discovered

Greetings to you, we are truly blessed to be here. On this sixth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I continue my discovery during my recovery. I recognize my space and my place. I walk in faith since I have discovered Hope. I discovered that Hope creates the will to live, to stand, to go on. I discovered that hope will not make me ashamed during my tribulation. I discovered that Hope is one of the three virtues that abide beside faith and charity. I discovered that Hope gives courage, tenacity and strength to endure...just as Jesus did when He went to the Cross, despising the shame for the Joy that was set before him. I discovered that Hope lifts you up out of the pit of despair and gives you the power to run when your feet have failed you. I discovered that Hope is like the dew in the morning, simply resting upon my brow. I discovered Hope, is the unction to function. Hope is the Strive to keep you alive. Without hope where would we be? ...

Favor Discovered

So, today, on the fifth day of the fourth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore), I have made, yet another discovery. I have treaded the high seas, survived the tempestuous storms, and ended up here. In a place of Favor . Favor is here. In the middle of everything, It is the reason for everything. God's precious favor . Just like Joseph's coat of many colors, David's anointing, Abraham's faith, Mary's blessing...I have discovered favor . I noted that favor is there, has been there all the time. In the midst of it all, the reason I can rejoice is because of this great favor . I have discovered that even though I have favor , it does not protect me from trials and tribulations. Even though I have favor , it does not prevent my enemies from rising up against me, but it does ensure that they don't triumph over me. I have discovered that favor is fair, it is God 's reward to those he chose. I have discovered that I must maintain an int...

Discovering More...

A day to discover, it is the fourth day of the fourth month in the Year R&R (ReCover&ReStore). It is a blessed day and I am excited about the discoveries I am making during my discovery. What are you discovering my sister. I am not dead, so that means I survived the latest trial. I was broken, but I discoverd that I was not destroyed. I was down in the valley, but I discoverd Love and it lifted me. I discovered grace that has been able to keep me standing in the midst of the storm. I discovered how to trust God when I can't see my way. I discovered my life is not my own, but has been created for God's glory. I discovered I can help someone else overcome by the words of my testimony. In this time, season, moment of ReCovery, I continue with my journey of discovery. I'm loving God more, needing Him more, trusting Him more. Walking through with my head held high, lifted up to where my help comes from. I discovered that I am blessed beyond measure, I disc...

Discovery during ReCovery

Happy first day... of the fourth month in the year ReCover&ReStore (R&R). During this time...during this process, of recovery there will be, if you are alert and aware, a time of discovery . Did you know, every experience is an opportunity to discover the true you? Every high mountain, every low valley, every pain and gain, each trial and triumph, enables you will discover as you ReCover . What will you find, when you come up from the ashes? What treasure will come out of your "true self"? Discovery during ReCovery -it is an awakening of sorts. You will discover that you stood when you thought you would fall. You will discover strength that you did not know you had. You will discover that you can make it, you can go on, you are better, smarter, more valuable than you ever knew. You will discover that God is greater than any problem. You will discover grace and the sufficiency there of. You will discover a person you did not know before your recove...