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Showing posts from March, 2013

PMS...Pray My Strength

PMS -- What does that mean to you????????? I gathered myself together today...I realized that we, sisters (and others) have an acronym in our vocabulary that can mean a number of things.  We, being the amazing, complex, creatures that we are, experience, usually on a monthly basis...what we call PMS...yep, it is the reason for many, many things.  My mood, my attitude, my tears, my pain, extra weight gain, no joy..."I hate that boy", those three little letters...PMS brings a variety of thoughts to mind.  Well, as I was thinking a thought today as I see these three letters dancing in my head, it's time we put a new spin on this little acronym...can you help me with this one, yep, it's My's all about perception.  I believe that we can create a new meaning for these three letters P M S...and trust me, when you see them, hear them will be thinking something different.  I will start...please send me your thoughts a...

Forward March

Moving, marching, making it happen.  Can't sit and wait for someone to do it for me, the tools have been put in my hands.  I will use them, effectively, efficiently, I will not squander the gifts, freely received, freely I give. Marching on, moving beyond the place that bound me, marching on moving beyond the place that tried to conquer my soul.  At times, at moments, I did not think I could move from here, it was too hard, it was too, seemingly impossible, to just get up and move.  But, I'm doing it now, one foot in front of the other, simple, not complicated, one at a time, left foot, right foot, inch by inch, step by step.  That feels good, Forward, forward that place, that space of destiny and purpose.  Wow, new found strength, courage, faith, action, go...Forward March!!!!!

Simply Grateful

SIMPLY GRATEFUL Friends, family, foes and, this week, this year I am simply grateful.  I am so anxious to show my maker, lover of my soul, Lord and creator how absolutely grateful I am.  He has given me this gift, freely, to use for His Glory and purpose.  This pen, placed in my hand, to record the amazing thoughts, revelations, epiphanies that have been give exclusively to me, by Him, for us....I am simply grateful. I know the feeling David felt, Psalms 45:1-   My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue  is  the pen of a ready writer.  I am feeling this so much these days.  Recognizing that I have been gifted with two very amazing gifts...speaking and writing.  Bringing the P.O.W.E.R. of words to life, for blessings, for healing, for all the necessities of life's journey.  Wow, now that right there, that is bringing tears to my eyes. I am a scribe, a mo...

Renewal...After the Process

Renewal...after the process... The regeneration has taken place...It was slow, but steady.  The old has been replaced with the new...thoughts, actions, habits...all things new...even friends and foes.  There is no denying that the process was necessary.  Had it not been...I would now be on the brink of death and/or destruction.   As I look back, look forward and look around, I remain grateful allowing the process, for letting the fire burn away all that was not suitable for life, to kill all that was not appropriate for sustainability of health, to remove everything that hindered productivity so that I could live, be healthy and produce fruit...plenty of fruit!! Today I stand, look forward to the Rest of the journey...with my NEW glad that He Knew Me...and He chose to renew me...... Grateful for Renewal...after the Process. Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman 2013