Page 21, Part 1, Chapter 2016, Embracing M .E. (My Eve-Olution) requires so much more than I could have ever imagined. The requirements are appreciated, had not been anticipated, but are recognized for bringing out the very best in me. My truth resulted in my liberation. My truth broke the chains and set me free to live on purpose. Initially, this new found freedom was overwhelming and at times caused some unexpected anxiety, but I did not allow it to drive me back to the prison that diminished my being. I had to reach, reach, reach beyond myself and my finite understanding and find strength in the one who arranged my release. I discovered a level of faith and knowledge that I had not known in the past. I discovered how to wear my liberty, how to remain balanced in this freedom to avoid it causing my demise. The temptation is great at times to flaunt it, flirt with the benefits of it, find adverse uses for it, but I dare not use it f...
Words shared among friends to inspire along the journey. Looking in the mirror, discovering and recovering as revelations are uncovered. Seeing and accepting all of me, owning my space and appreciating my place on the journey. Alive, Awake and Intentional!