Part 5, Page 24, Chapter 2017 peering outside of myself and looking at you. Fierce sister, tenacious survivor, walking softly but carrying a big stick. Carving out your course, your way...choosing to do what you do with your signature on it. You know who you are and you embrace that knowledge. You move with ease from one season to the other without missing a beat. You make it look so easy, smooth operator, embrace that space. Looking at you inspires me to continue, I see you gently making waves, changing the scene so discreetly many don't even notice. By the power vested in you, you are making a difference bigger than yourself, larger than your issues that will impact generations yet to be born. I see you because I am you and we are much, much better together. Here's looking at you and moving on to do greater ...#WRGS!
Words shared among friends to inspire along the journey. Looking in the mirror, discovering and recovering as revelations are uncovered. Seeing and accepting all of me, owning my space and appreciating my place on the journey. Alive, Awake and Intentional!