My friend, it is today, a great opportunity for you to experience the wonderful blessings of God. Today is the fifteenth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. Mark my words as I decree unto you great things for your life and the purpose of God. Mark my words, you will be the head and not the tail, you will have abudance and not lack, you will be free and not bound. My friend, it is yours for the asking, you are the called. Mark my words, it shall come to pass. The year is quickly going by and you are wondering if the Lord will work for you. Yes He will, Mark my words, remember these words, write them down, print them out...Your labor is not in vain. The seeds that you have planted Will bring forth a righteous harvest. You are the object of God's obsession and there is nothing that can separate you from that. So get up, shake yourself off, that last trial almost took you out, but you are still here. Mark my words, you are stronger, better, wiser and more tenacious than ever before. A survivor, yes, a failure, impossible. Mark my words my friend you are more, more, more than a conquerer...God will finish what He started in you. But, you must begin to trust and believe Him for everything, even that thing you gave up on. Mark my words...and give it all unto Him who is able...when NOW unto Him...Mark my WIN.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman