My sister, this day, it is the twenty-third day in the second month in the year R&R (ReCover&ReStore). We must emerge, inside of us, deep down inside is a treasure that was placed there by God. Your outer shell, is just a place to keep the real you. Your thoughts, your dreams, your hopes and purposes. As you emerge,,, what's inside will come forth. And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency of the power may be of ..... That the excellence of the power, which works these in us,... II Corinthians 4:7
Inside-out...the pressures of life will press the fresh oil from your soul. Inside-out, the fire will burn the surface and bring out the precious gold. Inside-out, look in the mirror, into your own eyes and ask God who she is. Who is she, that lady that is trying so desperately to come from inside-out. Is she happy? Is she friendly? Is she pretty? Inside-out, you know who she is, you have kept her silent because there were so many other things that needed to be taken care of outside of her. Inside-out...she is outgrowing the shell, outgrowing the clothes that had her bound...she is emerging, she is rising, she is coming from inside-out. She cannot be held down any longer, she cannot be held in anymore...lose her, free her, answer the knocking on your heart, let her Out...set her free!!!
Because, the Master has need of her. Come on my sister...come out. We see you peeking, curious, tasting the newness of the outside. Come my sister we will help you, you are safe with us. We see you coming, slowly and carefully, but keep on coming. Soon you will look up and realize that you have totally allowed YOU to come from Inside-OUT.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Inside-out...the pressures of life will press the fresh oil from your soul. Inside-out, the fire will burn the surface and bring out the precious gold. Inside-out, look in the mirror, into your own eyes and ask God who she is. Who is she, that lady that is trying so desperately to come from inside-out. Is she happy? Is she friendly? Is she pretty? Inside-out, you know who she is, you have kept her silent because there were so many other things that needed to be taken care of outside of her. Inside-out...she is outgrowing the shell, outgrowing the clothes that had her bound...she is emerging, she is rising, she is coming from inside-out. She cannot be held down any longer, she cannot be held in anymore...lose her, free her, answer the knocking on your heart, let her Out...set her free!!!
Because, the Master has need of her. Come on my sister...come out. We see you peeking, curious, tasting the newness of the outside. Come my sister we will help you, you are safe with us. We see you coming, slowly and carefully, but keep on coming. Soon you will look up and realize that you have totally allowed YOU to come from Inside-OUT.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman