It is the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). As I continue to embrace Grace I am so grateful to be connected to the greatest covenant keeper. I am grateful that there is one in my life who always fulfills His promises. There is one in my like who means what He says and says what He means.
A Covenant kept even though He wept. How amazing the thought that someone would love me so much that He would give His life as the ultimate sacrifice for my soul, for my sin. A covenant kept even though there was really no gain for Him, no selfish reason that this was done for me. A covenant kept in the midst of the pain and suffering. A covenant kept despite what I have done and what I will do. A covenant kept despite what I have not done. I feel so unworthy at times, because of the frailty of my humanness, but this is the reason, Jesus has made a covenant and kept it.
A covenant to be my Peace, to be my strength, to be my refuge and a very present help in the time of trouble. I have made a covenant to love Him with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit. To give myself away to Him to use me as he chooses. I am striving in this life to ensure, when I open my mouth, when I make a vow, when I commit to a covenant, I will be a covenant keeper. Without excuse, without fear, because of His grace…I can look back and rejoice, because I have a Covenant Kept.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
A Covenant kept even though He wept. How amazing the thought that someone would love me so much that He would give His life as the ultimate sacrifice for my soul, for my sin. A covenant kept even though there was really no gain for Him, no selfish reason that this was done for me. A covenant kept in the midst of the pain and suffering. A covenant kept despite what I have done and what I will do. A covenant kept despite what I have not done. I feel so unworthy at times, because of the frailty of my humanness, but this is the reason, Jesus has made a covenant and kept it.
A covenant to be my Peace, to be my strength, to be my refuge and a very present help in the time of trouble. I have made a covenant to love Him with all my heart, mind, soul and spirit. To give myself away to Him to use me as he chooses. I am striving in this life to ensure, when I open my mouth, when I make a vow, when I commit to a covenant, I will be a covenant keeper. Without excuse, without fear, because of His grace…I can look back and rejoice, because I have a Covenant Kept.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman