My mind is just in a place of thanksgiving and gratitude. It is the eleventh day of the fifth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). Without question, I am blessed. My sister, my friend, take some time to day and just give thanks because you are blessed. Inhale, exhale, you are So blessed. Look around through eyes that can see, you are So blessed. Put one foot on the floor and walk, you are So blessed. Look at your children, your husband, wife, life and loves. You are So blessed. So blessed, that you can't allow anything or anyone to make you doubt that. So blessed, that you can walk on water, just like peter did. So blessed that you have endured the fiery furnace(s) like the three Hebrew men. So blessed you have seen the glory like Isaiah. So blessed you have felt his grace and mercy like Mary Magdeline. So blessed you have given birth to his seed, like Mary. So blessed, despite all the mess, don't you dare stress, God will take care of the rest.
Today just digest this are SO BLESSED!!
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Today just digest this are SO BLESSED!!
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman