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Showing posts from June, 2011

The Beat Goes On...

My friends, it is another day to be excited about life. It is the twenty-ninth day of the sixth month in the year R&R (ReCover&ReStore). The expectation for what is to come is absolutely incredible; the anticipation for the revelation for the next season is being discovered. The reflections of the past experiences are being used to ensure a better future. The beat goes on. Our blood is still flowing, the sun (son) is still shining, the rain continues to fall, but the Beat goes on. It is in tune, the beat of my heart, the pulse that can be felt at my wrist, it says, you are still alive. You have survived, you will survive. The next test is there, at the horizon, it may have already been revealed, but that heart, the pulse has not stopped. It stood still just a moment in the shock of the circumstance...but, after a big EXHALE, the beat goes on. This monster trial that is now looking me in my face, it has stopped me in my tracks, it has made me wonder, ponder, react,...

This Life

Greetings My friends and well wishers. Today, it is the twenty-third day of the sixth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). Yet alive and grateful for life and health. As I continue to walk in wisdom, I was led today to Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, this life is a gift. This life is for God's glory, this life is your opportunity to impact nations. This life is a story being told, a testimony for generations, the handiwork of God, a pathway to eternity. This I read the words in this great book of wisdom, I had to sigh and be grateful that God has given me this life. I am determined to use every day, every minute, and every hour to the maximum, for the maximum impact while here. Take a moment to read the writing in Ecclesiastes 5...enjoy your life. Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman 2011

Walking in Wisdom

Another day, another gift for me and you. Today, I woke up with a tapping on my heart...Walk in Wisdom. It is an important essential. It is a necessary tool for successful living. I always like to confirm my inspirations with a scripture... I was led to Psalms 111 & 112. It says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. I realize that sometimes, life can make you react and walk in your own thoughts and ways and logic, but when you begin to practice walking in wisdom, or in the fear of the Lord, you can expect change. When you operate in the knowledge that there is a greater being working in the background on your behalf, it gives you more stanima to make it through each day. The awesome, magnificent, wondrous works of the Hands of God are in everything that concerns me. I can step out of His will and go according to what my flesh is pulling me to do. I can just not acknowledge His desire and presence in my life and just live each day in my own accord. But, ...

We are not of them...

Another beautiful day. It is the twenty-first day of the sixth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). A day that will not come again, a day that has never been before. I have been given the word...We are not of them. When we consider who we are and to whom we belong, it should give us joy in knowing that We are Not of Them...There are those who go through each day without hope, without understanding that Life is a precious gift. We are not of them. There is a writing in the scripture that says we are not of them that draw back...but believe on unto the saving of souls. We are not of them that doubt the fact that we have been made in the image of an almighty God. We are not of them that wander through life as if we have not hope. We are not of them that do not love one another. We are not of them that sacrifice eternal peace and joy for a time of temporary pleasure. We are not of them who back bite and abuse our brothers and sisters. We are not of them. I am gratef...

Still Blessed

It is a beautiful day. Today is the twentieth day of the sixth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). Wow, God is amazing. Giving thanks in all things helps me to realize that no matter what, I'm still blessed. The rain is falling, the fruit on the vine seems to be low, but I am still blessed. If simply recognizing that I am blessed to know that all things are being worked out, the process is underway, the silver is being refined, the diamond is being brought forth. From a dark place, deep beneath the surface, blessings are evident. Weapons are forming, attacks from every hand are coming, but I declare and decree, that whom the Lord one can curse. I am she. The called, the set apart, the set aside for the Master's use. Every situation, every issue, every obstacle, every trial,,, God has assured me, nothing has been wasted. God has assured me that I need not concern myself with the end result, He has already determined, Victory IS mine. Just getting from ...

Giving Thanks --In all things

My sisters, it is a new month...halfway through the year. It is the sixth day of the sixth month in the year R&R(ReCover&Restore). I am looking back with appreciation, looking forward with anticipation, and standing in the presentation with motivation. Blessed and grateful for where I am, where I've been and where I am going. I see clearly now, since the rains has subsided. The clouds are gone and the Son (sun) is shining on me today. My sisters, eventhough things are not as I would like them to be, my world, in my eyes is not perfect, but I give thanks. I have not accomplished all the goals I have set out to accomplish, I have not dotted all my "i's" and crossed all my "t's". But I am thankful. I am so, so very thankful for a sound mind, for a peace and joy. I am thankful for the valley and the mountain experiences. I am thankful that I am yet alive to see another day and another opportunity to fulfill my purpose. I am thakful that...