My sisters, it is a new month...halfway through the year. It is the sixth day of the sixth month in the year R&R(ReCover&Restore). I am looking back with appreciation, looking forward with anticipation, and standing in the presentation with motivation. Blessed and grateful for where I am, where I've been and where I am going. I see clearly now, since the rains has subsided. The clouds are gone and the Son (sun) is shining on me today.
My sisters, eventhough things are not as I would like them to be, my world, in my eyes is not perfect, but I give thanks. I have not accomplished all the goals I have set out to accomplish, I have not dotted all my "i's" and crossed all my "t's". But I am thankful. I am so, so very thankful for a sound mind, for a peace and joy. I am thankful for the valley and the mountain experiences. I am thankful that I am yet alive to see another day and another opportunity to fulfill my purpose. I am thakful that my time will be redeemed and that my latter shall be greater than the past. I am grateful for the latter rain and the former rain.
Recoginizing that this journey is not for me but for the Glory of God. I give thanks. Knowing that my sisters will heal because of my wounds, I give thanks. Knowing that pain is not eternal and trusting that God has the final say...I give thanks. In all things, In all situations, good, bad or otherwise, I give thanks.
My sisters, no matter what happens, from this day forward, keep this word in your heart and on your lips. Give thanks my sister, in all things give thanks.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
June 2011
My sisters, eventhough things are not as I would like them to be, my world, in my eyes is not perfect, but I give thanks. I have not accomplished all the goals I have set out to accomplish, I have not dotted all my "i's" and crossed all my "t's". But I am thankful. I am so, so very thankful for a sound mind, for a peace and joy. I am thankful for the valley and the mountain experiences. I am thankful that I am yet alive to see another day and another opportunity to fulfill my purpose. I am thakful that my time will be redeemed and that my latter shall be greater than the past. I am grateful for the latter rain and the former rain.
Recoginizing that this journey is not for me but for the Glory of God. I give thanks. Knowing that my sisters will heal because of my wounds, I give thanks. Knowing that pain is not eternal and trusting that God has the final say...I give thanks. In all things, In all situations, good, bad or otherwise, I give thanks.
My sisters, no matter what happens, from this day forward, keep this word in your heart and on your lips. Give thanks my sister, in all things give thanks.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
June 2011