Greetings to all of you, my friends, sisters, foes and family. It is good to be here...alive and well. Today is the twenty-third day of the eighth month in the yearR&R(ReCover&Restore). I am still discussing A Good Thing. So many references in the scripture to this term. Today, we consider David again, his quest to please such an incredible God. Just as David did, we are striving for perfection, wanting to return the love that has been so graciously bestowed upon us. What shall we render? What is compatible to the bountiful blessings we receive daily. For all the Good Things David said, Thanks, adoration, appreciation is A Good Thing to give unto the Lord. With the fruit of our lips, with the lifting of our hands with a dance and a song. It is A Good Thing to Give Thanks. As we walk and live each day, our lives should be a testament of the blessings and favor of God. Paul suggested that we should Give Thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. It is A Good Thing to Give Thanks. Don't let the issues of life push you so far down in the dumps of despair that you find yourself unable to lift up a praise. There is always, always a reason to Give Thanks. It does a body, mind and soul good to Give Thanks. When you wake up with an attitude of gratitude, your entire day will go well. Even when something goes wrong or does not sit well with you...because you know that all Things are working out for your can Give Thanks.
It is A Good Thing to Give Thanks, for all things, in all things. Bless the Lord always with a Heart of Thanks Giving.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
It is A Good Thing to Give Thanks, for all things, in all things. Bless the Lord always with a Heart of Thanks Giving.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman