My sister-friends, family and foes, grace has been extended to us another day. It is the sixth day of the tenth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I have been so blessed over the last few days to have received a rhema word. Direct marching orders from God through his Servant, Prophet, Apostle. What is evident to me is that there is P.O.W.E.R. in what I say. The Words that come out of my mouth are able to change my situation and enable manifestation of all those things that were revealed to me. Wow, when I think about how God is so in love with me that He reveals those secret things. He reveals the strategic plan for my life. He whispers in my ear at night, He shows me the preview of the "end of the story", when I'm going through a difficult time. Just so that I will Know. And He said, through His word, that even though it does not look like what He said, I should say what He said to remind myself of what will be. The Word of God will sustain, so I should Say That. Each time I'm faced with a challenge, doubt tries to set in, I can't see my way clear, I reach in my heart and spirit for the applicable Word and I Say That. When I lack, in the Word of God, my brother David reminds me that the Lord is my Shepherd and I SHALL NOT WANT. Wow, He is my protector, my shield my source and He will lead me to my Resources. I love the Lord, He heard my cry. I will Say That...I am victorious and cannot fail. I will Say That, I will be the head and not the tail. I will Say That, eyes have not seen and ears have not heard of the amazing things God has in store for me...because I love him. The P.O.W.E.R. that is in my tongue can cause life or death. It is not what you say that will affect me, it is what comes out of me that will determine my consequences or reward. I will Say That I am more than a conqueror. My, my, my, I am so excited, during this year of R&R, God is working out the details of my life. I will say of the Lord...He is my refuge. He has kept me and will keep me. Sis, what will you say? Don't look at the circumstances, don't look at what is not, but speak those things that be not as though they are. Believe what you say not what you see, but make sure that you say, what is in the Word. Yes, my sister-friend, get that Word and Say That!!!!!!!
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman