NEW LUGGAGE IS REQUIRED...I had to throw out the old suitcases, trunks and bags, they were still packed, so full of times and things that are useless for the rest of journey. My old luggage was battered, worn and torn, unable to carry the gifts of the present and future. The handles were even broken off so I could not carry them with me even if I wanted to. That old luggage, those old bags, they were quite useful for my journey up to this point. Filled with all the necessities from my previous travels, which is proving to be very different from what is presently needed.
Out with the old, worn and torn, so bulky and awkward. Out with the battered and shattered luggage that was used significantly and specifically for my previous travels. Most of those bags have already been emptied, some will go out with the contents still inside. Things I can no longer use, things I no longer need. For the Rest of the Journey...after The Process....NEW LUGGAGE IS REQUIRED.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Out with the old, worn and torn, so bulky and awkward. Out with the battered and shattered luggage that was used significantly and specifically for my previous travels. Most of those bags have already been emptied, some will go out with the contents still inside. Things I can no longer use, things I no longer need. For the Rest of the Journey...after The Process....NEW LUGGAGE IS REQUIRED.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman