Page 8, Part 2, Chapter 2016 embracing M.E. (My Eve-Olution). Sitting here reflecting on you. In awe and appreciation of your power in every area of life. Recognizing that you have enabled me, (in a good way) with a level of strength beyond my human ability. Because of you, I am confident that all things will work out for my good. You have guided and provided, opened and closed, lifted and brought down, wounded and healed, mortified and made alive. You are amazing. I just wanted to acknowledge you once again as the source of my strength and the strength of my life. No one else gets the credit for who I am, no one else would tolerate me, with my flaws and short-comings like you have or like you can, no one else is worthy of all of me except you who has given me all of you. So, I say with all the passion and tenacity that you have instilled in me hello Love, hello! Thank you for the of the most abundant life!