Just another day...as I live and breath....breath in, breath out....I think thankful thoughts....a sound mind, activity of all my limbs...salvation and liberty as a result.....not bound by my past...pressing towards a promising future...destined for greatness....trusting God every step of the way. Thankful thoughts of blood that washed away my sins, thankful thoughts of grace that is sufficient....and truly trusting that as I surrender to the P.O.W.E.R. of God that is within me....He will continue to hold me steadfast and unmoveble as I continue on this journey of life. Thankful thoughts make my heart glad, thankful thoughts are what will take me to the next level. Never will I cease to praise Him for He has done great things for me. Think Thankful.....the end has been determined.
Greetings my friends, today is the second day of the first month in the year of Fullness and Glory. So many incredible things happening, so many memories still fresh in our minds. Looking ahead with hope and looking back with appreciation and gratitude because "I survived", some things that happened in 2008 should have broken me, but, as Lady Brown shared,they just bent me a little. My quesiton is always.....What Glory shall come of this? and God says....when the Glory comes the trial will seem so small.....it can even stand in comparison.....so, today .....please be reminded,......Glory is coming, and then another trial, but this is the only way we can move and grow and complete our purpose....FROM GLORY TO GLORY....hang in there my sisters, You wil be so impressed when you see the finished product. Share your Journey with us...and help someone.....What is your Testimony for His Glory? What was your great trial of 2008.....Cause we have left all the mess behind as we cross...