Part- 1, Page 6, Chapter 2017 - Embracing M.E. (My Eve-Olution)! We have a brand new scene in 2017. Navigating through the various landscapes, habitations, atmospheric pressures have all revealed for me a clear view of my authentic self. Looking in the mirror and actually seeing, speaking my truth and actually hearing it, in the most raw form and not offering apologies for that truth. Arriving at this place required me to leave skin, blood and sweat as a sacrifice on the altar that resulted in a life altered, scene changed, re-arranged and now sustained. Today, there is gratitude, on this day, when the world recognizes and acknowledges the manifestation of my soul's lover, I too appreciate my own epiphany, when I discovered the incredible power within, I chose and will continue to choose, from this day forth to use it to the fullest. I am now living in that free place, liberated and substantiated, making every decision and reflecting on every area of this journey with clarity and precision. No matter what, when, who,where or how, I choose to do what I do
Guilt or
Shame #WRGS.