My friends, I am so elated. It is the twenty-third day in the eleventh month in the year 2010. Glory to God great things He has done. Still in the spirit of thanksgiving, I am reminded of a chapter in the Bible that I had to learn in my youth, Psalms 100:5...God is Good and Plenty in Mercy (paraphased). I think about the times when I did not deserve to be blessed, but God I was blessed anyway. When I needed another chance, when I had done wrong and needed to repent, it was the Goodness of the Lord that drew me there, and at the altar I found Plenty of Mercy and grace that was sufficient. I am thankful for the Good and Plenty blessings of life and tender love that God gives to me so freely. Good and Plenty is the power that I have recieved in the Holyghost to keep me from falling. Good and Plenty is the liberty that I find in Jesus. Good and Plenty is God's faithfulness towards me. He is faithful when I am not, His faithfulness towards me is Good and Plenty, enough to be renewed every morning. Today, I am grateful for the Good and PlentyI am grateful for the righteoussness of the father and the everlasting gifts that God has given to me.
My sister, appreciate your Good and Plentyand remember the secret to keeping it flowing is to extend the same to your fellowman.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
My sister, appreciate your Good and Plentyand remember the secret to keeping it flowing is to extend the same to your fellowman.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman