The faithfulness of God has allowed us to open our eyes one more day...this is the ninth day of the twelfth day in the year 2010. What a joy divine... I would like to continue today encouraging you that It Is So. You are the called according to God's purpose. Though at times you may not feel like it, look like it or even act like it, you are the called. When those cells were floating around in your mother's body and the sperm from your father had not connected to them yet, God knew you. It is so, when the clouds are dark and the storm is on the horizon. It is so, when the things of life have broken you down to your knees. As David did, lift up your head towards the Hills and know that God is God. It is so, you can have what you say, if you ask in faith, believing. It is so, you can have abundant life if you surrender it to God, It is so, the vision that God has shown you will come to pass. It is so, every promise towards you, yea and amen. Don't doubt or you will be without. Believe and you shall receive. When you can't see it through your eyes, look through the eyes of faith and my friend...look again and again and know from your heart....It is So. Whatever it is no matter how big or small, the desires of your heart have been promised, yes my friend it is so. Why so many challenges, changes and trials? It is so God can get the Glory, it is so the enemy can be defeated, it is so you can walk in your high places. It is so the word of God not be returned void it is so your labor will not be in vain. Why trust when you don't understand? why believe when you don't see? It is so your life purpose can be fulfilled. Now move from that place and into the place of promise as Your soul says yes...It is so!!!
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman