Good day greetings to you. It is the third day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. A blessed day indeed...moments to reflect and determine if you are on your mark, if not, are your preparing to get on your mark. Did you forget where your mark is? Are you on someone else's mark. you cannot have a successful finish if you do not have a proper start. I would like to give you this word of encouragement today. Even if you are not on your mark, even if you started and feel like you fell of the race some time ago, there is still hope. This is a marathon not a sprint. It will take a lifetime for you to finish this race. But you can't finish if you don't start. Please don't worry about the past (Phillipians 3:14), live in the present and strive for the bright future. I will give you for your meditation today...forget those things that are behind...and Press. Press to find your mark, presss to prepare yourself for what the race will entail and press to get on your mark. Great things await you, but they cannot find you if you are out of place. Your know where you are...God knows where you are. Just like He asked Adam when He sought him in the Garden, Where art thou Adam..., God is saying to you...where are you. He knows where you are but you need to know. Either you are there or you're not. No matter where you are, acknowledge your place, accept it, imagine your course and determine to move to your rightful position for promise...on your mark.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman