Greetings this day, it is the twenty-fourth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. I am blessed today and highly favored. In this season of celebration for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not definite of the day, nor the hour, but the assurance that He was born is enough to celebrate. Even more exciting is the fact that He came that we might have life and that more abundantly. He came to make us part of His inheritance of eternal life. We are joint heirs with Him. How can we know for sure, How can we be recognized as one of "His"? A trademark or trade mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services. In the same way that businesses and organizations have a Trade Mark, Jesus said we will have one also. Our Trade Mark is His Name, Jesus. Our Trade Mark is Love, He said this will enable people to know we are His followers, if you have love. Love, the Trade Mark of the Sons of God. The term Love, has been so watered down over the years, it is thrown around like a feather, as if it is a light thing. But, Love, it is big, it is powerful, it is the Trade Mark of a true connection to the heavenly father.
My friends, check out I Corinthians will tell you of the Trade Mark characteristics of LOVE. The chapter concludes with, now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three, but the greatest, the most powerful of these Trade Marks is Charity, Love! Walk in that. It is the Trade Mark that is recognized. Love One another, on this commandment hangs the Law and the Prophets. Don't have the Trade Mark of Fear, but of Love and of POWER and of a Sound Mind. The Trade Mark of Love, with it you can change the world. People will see you and know, understand, recognize and acknowledge your Trade Mark if you exhibit the Trade Mark of Jesus....Love, a true badge of honor and unforgettable Trade Mark.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
My friends, check out I Corinthians will tell you of the Trade Mark characteristics of LOVE. The chapter concludes with, now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three, but the greatest, the most powerful of these Trade Marks is Charity, Love! Walk in that. It is the Trade Mark that is recognized. Love One another, on this commandment hangs the Law and the Prophets. Don't have the Trade Mark of Fear, but of Love and of POWER and of a Sound Mind. The Trade Mark of Love, with it you can change the world. People will see you and know, understand, recognize and acknowledge your Trade Mark if you exhibit the Trade Mark of Jesus....Love, a true badge of honor and unforgettable Trade Mark.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman