Yes, it is a great day. Today is the 28th day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. Three days remaining in this year. Today, I have found myself thankful as I recognize that I have a Watermark on my life. Water, it is powerful and life giving. In a dry and thirsty land...we need the living water. I have experienced drought during this year, low times and high tides... I remain grateful for the Watermark that is on my life. If you think about it in the physical, water is so powerful, it leaves traces where ever it has been. A Watermark is a line marking the level reached by a body of water. Maybe on river wall, a building, in the sand at the beach. Just as in the spiritual, when you have experienced the living water, you have a watermark. It is on your life, in the things you do, you will leave those who come in contact with you refreshed, because of your Watermark. Notice the scripture in Isaiah 58:11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. I belived God has spared me in a recent drought. Can you relate? Have you been thirsty and could not find water to satisfy your soul or bring healing to your situation? Well my friend, this word is for you. This is a message from the lover of your soul. He will not leave you thirsty, you will have a watermark. Your garden will be watered when the others suffer in the drought...I would say this will ensure a righteous harvest. And a spring of water...never runs dry, you will have a watermark. People will know you, they will know where to find you. Everybody needs is essential for life.
My friend, Trust in the Lord, and exhibit proudly your watermark. It is for you and all those blessed to know you.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
My friend, Trust in the Lord, and exhibit proudly your watermark. It is for you and all those blessed to know you.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman