So it is the eighth day in the second month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I continue to receive clarity on this whole R&R revelation. God is so awesome in the way He does things, we think we have it all figured out, but He says, His ways are far above our ways. I am grateful that I have a shepherd, that can recognize when I am weary. It is at these times that He MAKES me lie down in green pastures, so that He can ReStore my soul. Have you ever really thought about that, your soul can become so broken and beat down that it will require restoration? There is a classic song that says, Jesus savior pilot me, over life's tempestuous seas, unknown waves before me rage, Jesus savior, why don't you pilot me.
WoW, in this life, I cannot handle it on my own; I need the savior to be the captain of my ship, the pilot of my plane. Life can be difficult, with or without God, because we have human experiences that prepare us for our heavenly home. I am so grateful, that in the midst of all of it, God is there. He allows everything to take place for our good and for His glory. It sometimes does not seem fair, why me Lord. Because, we belong to him and He knows what is best. In this time for ReCover and ReStore, it is not us that are going to ReCover & ReStore, but it is God saying, I see you, I hear you, I am coming to ReCover you from the place that life has dropped you. You are my precious jewel, I loaned you to every life relationship, every person who has had the pleasure of experiencing your love I allowed. Some appreciated it, some did not, but you are ok. I have come to ReCover what is mine, I have Come to ReStore your soul, said the Lord. Not for you, but for My GLORY.
Just say yes, my sister, just let him know...I am here!!! ReCover & ReStore.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
WoW, in this life, I cannot handle it on my own; I need the savior to be the captain of my ship, the pilot of my plane. Life can be difficult, with or without God, because we have human experiences that prepare us for our heavenly home. I am so grateful, that in the midst of all of it, God is there. He allows everything to take place for our good and for His glory. It sometimes does not seem fair, why me Lord. Because, we belong to him and He knows what is best. In this time for ReCover and ReStore, it is not us that are going to ReCover & ReStore, but it is God saying, I see you, I hear you, I am coming to ReCover you from the place that life has dropped you. You are my precious jewel, I loaned you to every life relationship, every person who has had the pleasure of experiencing your love I allowed. Some appreciated it, some did not, but you are ok. I have come to ReCover what is mine, I have Come to ReStore your soul, said the Lord. Not for you, but for My GLORY.
Just say yes, my sister, just let him know...I am here!!! ReCover & ReStore.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman