Another day, kept by the P.O.W.E.R. It is the third day in the second month in the year R&R(ReCover & ReStore). I am blessed as I continue the journey. I ponder, getting there from here. While travelling on this road, to the place of promise. Have you looked back and appreciated making it to this point. The bruises are evidence that the journey has not been "a flowery bed of ease", the fact that you, me, we are still standing. Not on our own strength, but on and by the supernatural strength of God. I am grateful for the roads that led me here. I am so blessed that in times of trouble and hardship, disappointment and tragedies, I did not give up. I am grateful for this extraordinary, supernatural power that is inside of me. The Strength of Love is amazing. It is on that strength that I rise, on the promise from my Soul's lover, that this is the year He will ReCover & ReStore.
Will you be my fellow traveler? It is not going to be easy, but I know I can do this; I can rise up from the ashes to walk in the promised newness. I have experienced such a blessed life, in the midst of the treachery and wars that the enemy launched against me and as a result, my love is even stronger, a heart that belongs to God, that trust God, that has surrendered to God. He has loved me like no other, beyond words, this love is so strong. Like the dew in the morning, the sweet kiss of a south wind, Love is so strong and it is that love that has met me at the beginning of this road to ReCovery. I am grateful.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Will you be my fellow traveler? It is not going to be easy, but I know I can do this; I can rise up from the ashes to walk in the promised newness. I have experienced such a blessed life, in the midst of the treachery and wars that the enemy launched against me and as a result, my love is even stronger, a heart that belongs to God, that trust God, that has surrendered to God. He has loved me like no other, beyond words, this love is so strong. Like the dew in the morning, the sweet kiss of a south wind, Love is so strong and it is that love that has met me at the beginning of this road to ReCovery. I am grateful.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman