My goodness, how did I end up here again, another valley, wilderness, tempestuous storm. It is the fourteenth day of the seventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). The place that recovery happens is quite interesting. I am learning, have learned over these past few years that while in places that may not feel good to you, while in places you may not enjoy, there you can ReCover and you can DiScover.
You would not have known that you could go so long without water, if you had not been thirsty in that wildnerness. The muscle you had to use to build you strength back up would be weak had you not had to use it during that difficult time. You have had to do without, you have had to manage with the bear necessities, and you have had to keep on moving, even when your regular means of transport was not available. You my sisters have recovered you, your sense of self and self worth. No one else noticed how strong you were, but now you know. You can look back over that last thing, that last valley that you came thru, you can look back at that last storm you survived and discover a new you. You ReCovered the lost self esteem, the lost self value, the lost dreams, goals and visions. ReCover my sister; all of it that has been taken, given, lost or stolen...gets it back while you are there in the wilderness. But, be sure to ask God first if you should have it back. My sister reminded me last week that some things that are lost need not be recovered. But you my sister are that lost treasure, that priceless gem, that God will be ReCovered...even if it happens while in the wilderness.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
You would not have known that you could go so long without water, if you had not been thirsty in that wildnerness. The muscle you had to use to build you strength back up would be weak had you not had to use it during that difficult time. You have had to do without, you have had to manage with the bear necessities, and you have had to keep on moving, even when your regular means of transport was not available. You my sisters have recovered you, your sense of self and self worth. No one else noticed how strong you were, but now you know. You can look back over that last thing, that last valley that you came thru, you can look back at that last storm you survived and discover a new you. You ReCovered the lost self esteem, the lost self value, the lost dreams, goals and visions. ReCover my sister; all of it that has been taken, given, lost or stolen...gets it back while you are there in the wilderness. But, be sure to ask God first if you should have it back. My sister reminded me last week that some things that are lost need not be recovered. But you my sister are that lost treasure, that priceless gem, that God will be ReCovered...even if it happens while in the wilderness.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman