My friends, foes and family, I am excited today, I am alive! It is the twenty-second day of the eighth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). So much comes to mind when I think about A Good Thing. It is usually those things that are so obvious, the sunshine, the beautiful flowers, wealth, prosperity, etc. But, while exploring the Word, I discovered that Affliction can also be categorized as A Good Thing. REALLY...?REALLY. While reading in the book of Psalms David expressed that Affliction brought him to a better place of reverence for the law of God. A few verses later, David said that He was afflicted by the faithfulness of God. Affliction is a condition of great distress, pain, grief or suffering. It could also be a trial to test patience or endurance. I pondered in my mind the words of the King, It is Good for Me that I have been Afflicted, so that I might learn thy statutes. Trouble found David, as it often finds us, sometimes because of our own shortcomings, sometimes due to an error of our ways, a bad choice an irresponsible decision could leave us Afflicted. But, It is A Good Thing. I was further intrigued by David's later statement that he was Afflicted by God's faithfulness. When you are enjoying the pleasures that come from a loving God who is All Good, and you find yourself still drifting away to "other lovers", it can cause an afflicted spirit. Because God is always faithful, even when we are unfaithful, His ways are Good, and work out for our Good, and can only result in Good, no matter how it looks. When I think about the love of God towards me that remains constant, renewed mercies each morning, and I still keep stumbling and falling and failing to stand...this causes an Afflicted, convicted soul, that is ungrateful and not reciprocating the same love that has been bestowed upon me. It was Good for me that I have been Aflicted, the hurt and pain and suffering drove me back into the arms of a loving father who only asks for my love and commitment in return for His own. It is A Good Thing, yes I can say now...Affliction is A Good Thing, when it yields forth Good fruit, fruit of the spirit, fruit that remains.
In your devotional time later, read Psalms 119:71-75 and take a moment to appreciate your afflictions and renew your appreciation for a faithful God.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
In your devotional time later, read Psalms 119:71-75 and take a moment to appreciate your afflictions and renew your appreciation for a faithful God.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman