Greetings Friends, Family and Foes, it is the Fourteenth day of the Ninth Month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). My word today is LET IT FLOW. After finally getting up the nerve and energy to Move, it seems that doors begin to open, ideas begin to come like running water. I think that sometimes we get "constipated" with the stuff of life. We allow things to clog up our "system" and we need a release. We need to get a dose of something that will open us up and allow a free flow of our rivers. We need to just LET IT FLOW. Allow yourself to dream, open up that stream that will flow to the river of dreams that you put a stopper in and LET IT FLOW. Those rivers of ideas that you kept a secret because you did not think anyone would take you seriously, LET IT FLOW. The reservation has been lifted, step out of the shadow and into the light...LET IT FLOW, your promises, your hopes and aspirations...LET IT FLOW. Even during the time of famine, you heard the Word...Rivers in the Deserts. You can't hold back the waters any longer, you have not allowed the Rain to produce, you built a Dam and kept the waters from overflowing. But, I have found, that there is a blessing in the overflow!!!! When you allow for the overflow, you have not only enough for you, but you can share with others. LET IT FLOW. God has given you more than enough. Some of those gifts and talents you possess are not just for you, you are supposed to help some else get to their destiny. LET IT FLOW. Do you believe it? It's in your belly! Everything you need, everything you could desire, the necessities for you to fulfill your purpose and live life abundantly; it will flow out of your belly. Not one river, not two rivers, but they cannot be counted. If you believe, LET IT FLOW...Rivers of living water. Now that your are moving, remove the barriers from your life and don't worry about where the water goes, just LET IT FLOW. Don't be concerned about who won't believe in you, LET IT FLOW. All you have to do is believe in the Captain of the Sea and LET IT FLOW.
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman