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Showing posts from November, 2011

Lift and Be Lifted

Greeting today my sister-friends and others.  It is the twenty-second day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).   I am appreciating the lessons of the past and looking forward to the promising future that is ahead of me.  The present is where I am now.  The present is what will determine my promising future and my actions of the present are proof that I "learned lessons" from my past.  So, I realize that I must take the opportunity now, in my present to do it.  So many opportunities simply because I am present, in my present.  I have a sound mind, though much has been lost in fire.  I have health and strength, though the pressures of life have weighed heavily on my physical person.  But, I am determined that I will lift.  Lift, what exactly does that mean.  Lift means to direct or carry from a lower to a higher position.  Sometimes the burdens of life can drag you dow...

WIT-What is That

My friends, sister, and other readers, it is the eighteenth day of the eleventh month in the year 2011.  I am so, so blessed.  As we close the seven entry series on that three letter word, WIT, with many revelations, I would like to remind you to rejoice because WIT-Weeping is Temporary .  I wanted to remind you that the days and challenges and trials that may have come your way and caused tears to flow from your eyes... WIT-Weeping Is Temporary .  I wanted you to know that you do not have to be concerned about that person who broke your heart, the one who misused and abused you.  WIT-Weeping Is Temporary .  I want you to know that better days are in front of you and you do not have to fret because WIT-Weeping Is Temporary .  When you remember the promises and the fact that God loves you no matter what.  When you trust and believe in the promises that have been given to you, I want you to know that WIT-Weeping Is Temporary.   As you...

WIT-What Is That

My friends, I am still rejoicing, still excited about WIT-When I Testify .  It is the fifteenth day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  I am reminded each day, during each experience, at each juncture of this journey, that there is a purpose for everything.  For every action and every reaction, for every challenge and every change, an underlining purpose exist.  It is not something we could have created, it has been in the mind of a sovereign God to make us as gold.  As we come over every mountain, we must prepare for WIT-When I Testify .  The survivors, the victorious, those who keep on rising above, must be on hand for WIT-When I Testify .  Why, because the true value of every test and challenge is the testimony that evolves from it.  This is the fruit of the tree of life, love and liberty.  WIT-When I Testify , I see just what a miracle I am.  WIT-When I Testify , I give a life jacket to oth...

WIT-What Is That

I am so blessed on this ninth day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  As we continue the discussions concerning WIT, that three letter word with multiple revelations.  The desire move quickly throughout the chapters of life have come to a halt.  It is time to recognize the importance of waiting, trusting God for the outcome.  WIT-While I Tarry .  We hear this word often, tarry, it means to delay or be tardy in acting or doing;  to linger in expectation : wait. 2. : to abide or stay in or at a place.  Have you experienced this, WIT-While I Tarry , I did not expect to be here this long, in this space, place, moment in my life.  I expected that it would be fleeting, passing by, but, wow, I realize that I have been here for a while longer than anticipated.  WIT-While I Tarry , you see the definition says to linger in expectation.  Not going anywhere for a while can't go forward or back, just still.  I ...

WIT-What is This

My sisters, my friends, I greet you once again.  It is the eighth day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  There is no doubt that God is in control.  I am trusting Him every step of the way.  We continue to discuss this three letter word and it's various definitions that have been revealed to me.  WIT-Wealth In Tribulation .  REALLY?!?  I have discovered, WIT-Wealth In Tribulation .  What kind of talk is that.  The word wealth is defined as the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions.  My focus is on the abundance of valuable resources.  I have walked through some devastating tribulations, lived through some fiery trials and during these most difficult times, I discovered WIT-Wealth In Tribulation .  As I endured some torrential storms and rainy seasons, I ended up with valuable resources, WIT-Wealth In Tribulation .  This WIT-Wealth In Tribulation has carried me to the ne...

WIT-What Is That

Greetings My friends.  It is the fourth day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  As I continue to share my epiphany on this three letter word, WIT-What Is That.  Today, I interpret WIT-While In Transition .  This is a daily experience.  Each day is progressing to the next, each moment is only here long enough for the next one to come forth.  So as the changes or transitions are taking place every second, each moment, hourly, daily, I grab what I need and keep it moving.  WIT-While In Transition , I examine very carefully actions from myself towards others and how others behave towards me.  WIT-While In Transition , I seek to improve my personal self each day so that my daily activities and life will not be in vain.  WIT-While In Transition , I ensure that I am fulfilling the purpose for which I was created.  Life is a series of transitions, each designed to bring you to your place of destiny.  W...

WIT - What is That

Continuing on this third day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  As I analyze the meaning of WIT, three letters, one word, many thoughts come to mind.  WIT-Walk in Truth .  This is an awakening and acknowledgement of ones self to ones self.  When you apply WIT-Walk in Truth , you accept what is real and you deal with it appropriately.  WIT-Walk In Truth , when you look at the reflection of you in the mirror and appreciate what you see.  Accepting the result of every experience, good, bad or otherwise.  WIT-Walk In Truth , when you are searching for answers that you already know but don't want to deal with.  WIT-Walk In Truth when you discover you have a weakness or two, a shortcoming, you are not perfect yet but you can begin to operate in excellence.  WIT-Walk In Truth when you recognize that your foot slipped, but you are thankful for the amazing grace that kept you anyway.  WIT-Walk In Truth and relax, ...

WIT -- What Is That

Greetings my sister-friends.  We have entered a new month.  It is the first day of the eleventh month  in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore).  As I continue my journey in this amazing life, I must share with you from My Epiphany.  Just a few weeks ago, my God-Mother prayed a prayer and somewhere in that prayer, she said...Give them wit..WIT.  This word sank down into my heart, soul and spirit as I began to digest the meaning and importance of it.  WIT -- What is That?  Wow...You know me...I always get a deeper meaning out of words.  So for the next seven days, let's figure this one out. WIT - Wisdom Intuition Tenacity ,  necessary tools for the journey.  These things I have used, needed, sharpened over these passed few months.  WIT -- It is my ability to see beyond the physical form, to make wise decisions and courageously step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary.  WIT can produce great things.  The b...