Greeting today my sister-friends and others. It is the twenty-second day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). I am appreciating the lessons of the past and looking forward to the promising future that is ahead of me. The present is where I am now. The present is what will determine my promising future and my actions of the present are proof that I "learned lessons" from my past. So, I realize that I must take the opportunity now, in my present to do it. So many opportunities simply because I am present, in my present. I have a sound mind, though much has been lost in fire. I have health and strength, though the pressures of life have weighed heavily on my physical person. But, I am determined that I will lift. Lift, what exactly does that mean. Lift means to direct or carry from a lower to a higher position. Sometimes the burdens of life can drag you down, your countenance may have fallen, your head is held low, your self esteem has been challenged and maybe destroyed. It is low. But today, I admonish you my friend...join me as we close out this year of R&R(ReCover&ReStore) and let's lift. As we lift, we will be lifted. Lift up your eyes unto the hills...your help will come. Lift up your hands, in total surrender your burden will be lifted. Lift up your voice, in the sanctuary, your spirit will be lifted. Let's be lifted sister, rising above the pain of the past...lifted above the clouds on the wings of eagles. Running, not weary, walking, not fainting. Be lifted my friend, up from the ashes be lifted. Be lifted from the valley, walk upon your high places. It is your time and season. Manifold blessings belong to you, be lifted. Lifting Eyes first (see it), and everything else will follow. Be lifted my sister and your life story will help others to be lifted also.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman