I am so blessed on this ninth day of the eleventh month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). As we continue the discussions concerning WIT, that three letter word with multiple revelations. The desire move quickly throughout the chapters of life have come to a halt. It is time to recognize the importance of waiting, trusting God for the outcome. WIT-While I Tarry. We hear this word often, tarry, it means to delay or be tardy in acting or doing; to linger in expectation : wait. 2. : to abide or stay in or at a place. Have you experienced this, WIT-While I Tarry, I did not expect to be here this long, in this space, place, moment in my life. I expected that it would be fleeting, passing by, but, wow, I realize that I have been here for a while longer than anticipated. WIT-While I Tarry, you see the definition says to linger in expectation. Not going anywhere for a while can't go forward or back, just still. I recognize this to be a time when work is going within. It is not visible to the human eye, but in the spirit realm, I can see. And because I have been given this insight, this revelation, this epiphany, I can do something WIT-While I Tarry. I can prepare for the next season, I can strategically plan my next move. WIT-While I Tarry, I can examine the errors of my past and glean lessons from them to ensure a successful future. WIT-While I Tarry, I will not be idle, I will not waste this precious time. WIT-While I Tarry, I will seek the fact of God for the purpose in my life, I will inquire of Him in this quite time of Waiting. WIT-While I Tarry, I will be grateful for the needed rest and peace that is evident during this time. WIT-While I Tarry, I will continue to trust God for the details, I release control over all things to He who is able. WIT-While I Tarry, I prepare my mind, heart and soul for all that is to come. Tarry my sister if you must. Don't force yourself into a situation prematurely. WIT-While I Tarry, it is ok. If you are thinking about marriage, it is okay to tarry a while, to be sure, to be certain, to be ready for the needed sacrifices and commitment it will require. WIT-While I Tarry, I will tarry...because this too is a necessary tool of P.O.W.E.R. for my destiny. If this is your time to tarry, do what you must and know that WIT-While I Tarry, While we tarry, we can expect great things when the wait is over.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman