At peace with the Rest of the Story. Page 20, Chapter 2012, this year of Manifested P.O.W.E.R. I take this moment and appreciate the Peace... that is beyond human understanding. I trust the Author, He laid me down and simply began to share with me the Rest of the Story. He knew the beginning from the end, without even looking. He read it to me. I did not have to turn the page this time, He gave me Rest. He laid me down and spoke into the pages of my future. He laid me down and told me to trust Him for the Rest of the story. At peace, I rest in Him and am reminded that It is well. Trusting, I rest in Him. He said over and over again, as He looked at me, Peace. He reminded me that this Peace is a free gift from Him. Peace, He gave it to me without condition, Peace. He laid me down, He quoted from my book and He said, Peace. I rested in this assurance. I terminated doubt with this assurance. I had a greater determination to continue with this assurance. And then, I stood on it, I am grateful for the Rest of the story...It is my Peace...It is my Piece on which I will, I shall, I must stand. Find your Peace my sister, Find your Piece and Stand. You can trust The Author for the REST of the story.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman