Hey sisters,
We find ourselves once again in a blessed moment....
It is the eleventh day in the second month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY.!!!
Are you learning and applying your "ABC's"? Well, today, we see from "C" that we should COMPLETELY COMMIT. As we continue our journey of life, it is important that we keep in mind that when we recognize who we are and what our purpose is....we must COMPLETELY COMMIT to fulfilling it. This means, that we must not only commit our thoughts, but everything. When you do something completely, there is nothing left out. COMPLETELY COMMIT all of your thoughts, your talents, your being, your time and your finances...to THAT THING, THAT VISION, YOUR purpose.
COMPLETELY COMMIT...this means that there will be no room for "pity parties" , regrets, depression, because there is no room left for it. Your total being is filled up with your purpose. You sleep, eat and breath it. You have COMPLETELY COMMITTED, to keep yourself in the best of health, you have COMPLETELY COMMITTED, to manage your finances to enable resources for the Purpose.....yes my sister, in order to reap a full harvest....you must COMPLETELY COMMIT to plant the proper seeds and nourish them properly.
Today, you see, from "C", that we must COMPLETELY COMMIT.....and we can experience the FULLNESS that is desired for us and allow the GLORY to shine.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
We find ourselves once again in a blessed moment....
It is the eleventh day in the second month in the year of FULLNESS AND GLORY.!!!
Are you learning and applying your "ABC's"? Well, today, we see from "C" that we should COMPLETELY COMMIT. As we continue our journey of life, it is important that we keep in mind that when we recognize who we are and what our purpose is....we must COMPLETELY COMMIT to fulfilling it. This means, that we must not only commit our thoughts, but everything. When you do something completely, there is nothing left out. COMPLETELY COMMIT all of your thoughts, your talents, your being, your time and your finances...to THAT THING, THAT VISION, YOUR purpose.
COMPLETELY COMMIT...this means that there will be no room for "pity parties" , regrets, depression, because there is no room left for it. Your total being is filled up with your purpose. You sleep, eat and breath it. You have COMPLETELY COMMITTED, to keep yourself in the best of health, you have COMPLETELY COMMITTED, to manage your finances to enable resources for the Purpose.....yes my sister, in order to reap a full harvest....you must COMPLETELY COMMIT to plant the proper seeds and nourish them properly.
Today, you see, from "C", that we must COMPLETELY COMMIT.....and we can experience the FULLNESS that is desired for us and allow the GLORY to shine.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman