Welcome to the beautiful day the Lord has made...I am rejoicing, it is the twenty-second day in the twelfth month in the year of 2010. Are you still there? On your Mark? Maybe this is your season to Mark time,you are moving but in one place, steadily, not wanting to jump out too soon, or you may jepordize the entire race. Are you there, trusting in God, seeking his face in the place and time you have found yourself? Mark time when you don't know what move to make, but you know you must move. Mark time, to remember that place, so that if you find yourself there again, you will know exactly what to do. That time, that space, sometimes you Mark time with your sweat and your tears, with your heart ache and heart break, sometimes you Mark Time with your victories and triumphs, Mark that place, remember to remind yourself of that experience, that test, when you were there, that time. Mark time, while trusting that God has the details taken care of. Mark time, because you will be stronger, better and wiser as a result. There are times when God allows, commands, orchestrates that you Mark Time, He will create a situation in which you can only STAND STILL and see, experience His salvation, recognize His saving Grace in your situation. Mark Time my sister, if that is the season you are in. It is ok. Somtimes in order to get to where you are going, you must know where you have been. Mark Time, and be reminded that it all belongs to God. In every situation, every time, Mark (that) time and you will see the hand of God is always there,was always there, All The Time.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman