My friends, sisters and well-wishers, it is a blessed day. This is the twenty-sixth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. As we are in this season of celebration, I am grateful for the Present Blessing. I so appreciate God for what I am experiencing right now, at this present time. There are expected blessings, and blessings that have been bestowed upon me in the past, but today, at this moment, I admonish you to join me in recognizing the Present Blessing. The blessing right now, the blessing of NOW. The Present blessing means you have been given one more opportunity to fulfill the purpose for the kingdom. Present blessing of breath, health and strength. Present blessing of a home, food and shelter. Present blessing of a sound mind and the ability to think and operate on your own, without the assistance of drugs or other products. Present blessing to see the invisible and to conquer all things. Present blessing...Now are we...not tomorrow, but today. Our God operates in the Now...the moment that we have arrived in. Present blessing...I will rejoice now, present blessing, I will bless the Lord now, Present blessing, Now faith, Present blessing, Now unto Him who is able.
I am grateful for where I have come from, excited about where I am going, but I will neither spend my present looking back or worrying about the future, I will operate in my now space, my now blessing and enjoy what is today!!!! Living from day to day, blessed beyond measure in this moment, at this time. Thank you God for my Present Blessing.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
I am grateful for where I have come from, excited about where I am going, but I will neither spend my present looking back or worrying about the future, I will operate in my now space, my now blessing and enjoy what is today!!!! Living from day to day, blessed beyond measure in this moment, at this time. Thank you God for my Present Blessing.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman