A day in this life, it is the eleventh day in the second month in the year R&R (ReCover&ReStore). Can you hear the roll call? Your lover, the lover of your soul, your purpose giver, creator and keeper, is calling your name. He is seeking you among the women. He is needing you to finish what He started in you. He is not just saying "Hey", it is not a general call, He knows you by name, He is calling your name. Out of that dark place of despair, from dreary to glory, He is calling your name. He wants you to know...He loves you more than you love yourself.
I am answering the call. He said, come and let me ReCover you with my loving kindness and tender mercies. Come and let me ReStore the years you lost wandering in the wildness, trying to understand your purpose. He is calling your name, you, Place your name here_______________, Do you hear Him? The enemy is trying to make you feel like there is no hope, but I am commanded to remind you today....do not cast away your confidence, it has great recompence. Despite the present storm, He is calling your name. Despite your present state, He is calling your name. Wake up, get up, step up and let him do what He desires to do in you. It's all for His glory. Your are His glory. He is calling your name. Do you hear Him? Will you answer Him?
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
I am answering the call. He said, come and let me ReCover you with my loving kindness and tender mercies. Come and let me ReStore the years you lost wandering in the wildness, trying to understand your purpose. He is calling your name, you, Place your name here_______________, Do you hear Him? The enemy is trying to make you feel like there is no hope, but I am commanded to remind you today....do not cast away your confidence, it has great recompence. Despite the present storm, He is calling your name. Despite your present state, He is calling your name. Wake up, get up, step up and let him do what He desires to do in you. It's all for His glory. Your are His glory. He is calling your name. Do you hear Him? Will you answer Him?
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman