Greetings My sister-friends and others, it is the first day of the twelfth month in the year R&R(ReCover&ReStore). Today, I reflect back on the past several weeks, months, days, years and I am so appreciative of Grace. Yes, The Sufficiency of Grace has kept me all these years. I consider the word "grace" and the fact that it is so much more than just unmerited favor. I see Grace in my everyday life, I strive to reflect grace in the things that I do, my actions towards all, my walk and my talk. Sufficiency means being as much as is needed. I was told by a beautiful young lady a few weeks ago, that you are equipped with everything you need to reach your place of destiny and that your tools of P.O.W.E.R. are revealed at the time you need them. Grace, is so many things. It is the smile instead of the tears, it is the hug instead of the hit, it is the dancing instead of the sadness. Grace is the compass that will lead you safely through every trial and challenge and enable you to see the worth of having gone through it. Grace, the sufficiency of Grace. I know it is all I need, favor, beauty, courage, tenacity, forgiveness and salvation. The Sufficiency of Grace, it is for all that ails me. It should, must be applied daily, without excuse, we must seek the Grace of God. When in pain, in distress, in awe, in trouble...we should recognize that as was answered to Paul when he needed to have his burden lifted....My Grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. I know that I am weak without His Grace, I know that I would fail and would have long since failed without Grace. I have failed and may fail again, but His Grace will restore me, his Grace will renew me, His Grace will keep me from being destroyed. Grateful am I for this amazing Grace, Sufficient Grace that saved me, that kept me, the Sufficiency of Grace will carry me through.
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman