Greetings My friends, sisters and others. We are on the sixth page of chapter 2012 in the year of Manifested P.O.W.E.R. Another page in our lives. We are given yet one more opportunity to live out our destiny and fulfill our purpose. It is a Divine Design. It is the will of one far greater than all of us. The masterbuilder has designed it with our best interest in mind. This Day, was set aside for you to accomplish a task or several. To open your eyes and your mouth and breath. To realize that you are amazing and worthy of the greatness that has been prepared for you. This Day, I commend you my sisters, my reader, my well-wisher...take some time to seek the face of the Author. Ask Him that burning question and trust His answer. This day you can be made free of the chains of your past and step over into your anticipated future. Each day you have P.O.W.E.R. to Manifest...every dream, every hope, every promise. Don't be afraid my sister....turn the page!!!!!!
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman
Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman