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Showing posts from December, 2010

Last Day...First Day is the last day in the twelfth month in the year of 2010. My God, I feel so blessed. I am on my way to greater things...Living, dwelling... in the Blessings of God. The Spirit has spoken to me expressly...this last day of this decade, of this year, of these trying times. The last day of 2010, last day of tears and heartache, last day of confusion and misunderstanding...We will not see this year again...we prepare and look forward to the time to come...A time of R & R....First day...of the year of R&R will come in less than twenty-four hours...are you ready. You may have been uncovered over this last year, for the good and maybe for the bad...but this is the year that you will RE-Cover and God will Re-Cover. With his love...with joy, with peace, lost the cover, but it is coming back. And...First day...for you to experience restoration...BE RESTORED...You have been emptied out...but God is ready to refill you...the store house has been depleted...but God Wil...


Yes, it is a great day. Today is the 28th day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. Three days remaining in this year. Today, I have found myself thankful as I recognize that I have a Watermark on my life. Water, it is powerful and life giving. In a dry and thirsty land...we need the living water. I have experienced drought during this year, low times and high tides... I remain grateful for the Watermark that is on my life. If you think about it in the physical, water is so powerful, it leaves traces where ever it has been. A Watermark is a line marking the level reached by a body of water. Maybe on river wall, a building, in the sand at the beach. Just as in the spiritual, when you have experienced the living water, you have a watermark . It is on your life, in the things you do, you will leave those who come in contact with you refreshed, because of your Watermark . Notice the scripture in Isaiah 58:11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul i...


Greetings on this day my friends. It is the twenty-seventh day in the twelfth day in the year 2010. Four days remaining in this blessed year. I am happy and excited to be here. Proud to be called for service in the Kingdom. Even more excited that I have the Hallmark of greatness, by the King of Kings himself. A hallmark is defined as a mark indicating quality or excellence. A mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles that meet established standards of purity. As we continue this month, the revelation "on your mark", it is very clear, that those who are the called according to the purpose of God possess a Hallmark . In various scripture, those who will be used by the kingdom are discribed as precious jewels, vessels,The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dis...

Present Blessing

My friends, sisters and well-wishers, it is a blessed day. This is the twenty-sixth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. As we are in this season of celebration, I am grateful for the Present Blessing . I so appreciate God for what I am experiencing right now, at this present time. There are expected blessings, and blessings that have been bestowed upon me in the past, but today, at this moment, I admonish you to join me in recognizing the Present Blessing . The blessing right now, the blessing of NOW. The Present blessing means you have been given one more opportunity to fulfill the purpose for the kingdom. Present blessing of breath, health and strength. Present blessing of a home, food and shelter. Present blessing of a sound mind and the ability to think and operate on your own, without the assistance of drugs or other products. Present blessing to see the invisible and to conquer all things. Present blessing ...Now are we...not tomorrow, but today. Our God oper...

Trade Mark

Greetings this day, it is the twenty-fourth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. I am blessed today and highly favored. In this season of celebration for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not definite of the day, nor the hour, but the assurance that He was born is enough to celebrate. Even more exciting is the fact that He came that we might have life and that more abundantly. He came to make us part of His inheritance of eternal life. We are joint heirs with Him. How can we know for sure, How can we be recognized as one of "His"? A trademark or trade mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services. In the same way that businesses and organizations have a Trade Mark , Jesus said we will have one also. Our Trade Mark is His Na...

Mark Time

Welcome to the beautiful day the Lord has made...I am rejoicing, it is the twenty-second day in the twelfth month in the year of 2010. Are you still there? On your Mark? Maybe this is your season to Mark time ,you are moving but in one place, steadily, not wanting to jump out too soon, or you may jepordize the entire race. Are you there, trusting in God, seeking his face in the place and time you have found yourself? Mark time when you don't know what move to make, but you know you must move. Mark time , to remember that place, so that if you find yourself there again, you will know exactly what to do. That time, that space, sometimes you Mark time with your sweat and your tears, with your heart ache and heart break, sometimes you Mark Tim e with your victories and triumphs, Mark that place, remember to remind yourself of that experience, that test, when you were there, that time. Mark time , while trusting that God has the details taken care of. Mark time , because you w...

Mark of Excellence

Yes it is a blessed day. It is the seventeenth day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. Not just average, ordinary, but the Mark of Excellence . Excellent and extraordinary. That is the Mark on you, God's beautiful creation. It is His distinguishing feature on you. The Mark of Excellence , In His Image, in His likeness. The Mark of Excellence in the words we say, our walk each day. The Mark of Excellence on every task, no matter how large or small. The Mark of Excellence will ensure a life of peace and harmony. But it is not a simple, easy achievement. The Mark of Excellence requires work, commitment, tenacity and fortitude. A coward cannot obtain this mark. One who is double-minded cannot experience The Mark of Excellence . But for you my friend, if you are willing to work, focus, and sacrifice for the greater good, This Mark of Excellence will be your reward. This is not a obsession for perfection, it is a balance and a just weight of glory. Press towards...

Mark my words

My friend, it is today, a great opportunity for you to experience the wonderful blessings of God. Today is the fifteenth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. Mark my words as I decree unto you great things for your life and the purpose of God. Mark my words , you will be the head and not the tail, you will have abudance and not lack, you will be free and not bound. My friend, it is yours for the asking, you are the called. Mark my words , it shall come to pass. The year is quickly going by and you are wondering if the Lord will work for you. Yes He will, Mark my words , remember these words, write them down, print them out...Your labor is not in vain. The seeds that you have planted Will bring forth a righteous harvest. You are the object of God's obsession and there is nothing that can separate you from that. So get up, shake yourself off, that last trial almost took you out, but you are still here. Mark my words , you are stronger, better, wiser and more tenaciou...

Mark of a Survivor

Greetings and blessings to you my friends. It is the fourteenth day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. We continue to discussions on your Mark. Thinking today about the Mark of a survivor . Do you possess it? The Mark of a survivor . Signs of this mark are tenacity, in the face of a challenge. When you have the Mark of a survivor , you can stand when others fall. You can continue the race when others have counted you out. The mark of a survivor is courage to be a trailblazer and to tread where others dare not. The mark of a survivor is a contenance of peace and a spirit of joy, even when tears are bound to fall. The mark of a survivor demonstrates confidence to continue. As the scripture reminds us, Psalms 91, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right ... A thousand may fall at your side,And ten thousand at your right hand;But it shall not come near you. ...You have the mark....The mark of a survivor ...hang in there friends, come what may, you c...

The Mark of Obedience

Well, well, well, another day, another breath, another blessing. It is the thirteenth day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. Today, my sisters, I would just like to say that we should make sure that we have the Mark of Obedience . We must determine that we will obey, the will of God and the way of God no matter what the costs. Sometimes, it may seem like, there is a better way, a way that we can enhance the request that God made to us, by adding a little of our own idea, but, this did not work for Adam and Eve, it did not work for King Saul, It did not work for the "helpful" man who tried to prevent the Ark from falling. We must make sure that the Mark of Obedience is on everything that we do. It is reflected from the words that come out of our mouth. The Mark of Obedience must follow us like a shadow. It must be the reins that keep us lined up and headed in the right directions. The Mark of obedience that will enable the Lord to Order our steps, yes good woman,...

No where to go...Know where to go

In times like these...when so many things seem to be so uncertain...It is the tenth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. In times like these it seems that the storms rage so heavily and blinding rain is falling, you ask yourself, where do you go? It's difficult sometimes to go to people, there is a lack of discretion, integrity and trust. It is a selfish society, is there no where to go , for help, for strength, for peace. A hospital for healing has become a place for capital gain, is there no where to go . The pastor, the first lady, they are dealing with their own issues and demons, is there no where to go . My friend, we must step back and take a minute. Get your footing secure and remember, God is there. Know where to go when you need a strong tower, a refuge(Psalms 46) or safe place. A secret place (Psalms 91) under an almighty shadow. Know where to go when you lack or feel in despair. Know where to go to be renewed and restored for the rest of the journey. Y...

It is so...

The faithfulness of God has allowed us to open our eyes one more day...this is the ninth day of the twelfth day in the year 2010. What a joy divine... I would like to continue today encouraging you that It Is So . You are the called according to God's purpose. Though at times you may not feel like it, look like it or even act like it, you are the called. When those cells were floating around in your mother's body and the sperm from your father had not connected to them yet, God knew you. It is so , when the clouds are dark and the storm is on the horizon. It is so , when the things of life have broken you down to your knees. As David did, lift up your head towards the Hills and know that God is God. It is so , you can have what you say, if you ask in faith, believing. It is so , you can have abundant life if you surrender it to God, It is so , the vision that God has shown you will come to pass. It is so , every promise towards you, yea and amen. Don't doubt or ...


My friends, it is the eighth day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. I am thankful once again for another day. I just want to know that you are ReMARKable . Webster’s definition is notably or conspicuously unusual; extraordinary or worthy of notice or attention. You my sister, the only one of you created, with your thoughts, your gifts, your unique Mark. What a beautiful gift to the world. You, my ReMARKable friend are truly worthy of notice and attention, you are extraordinary and there are many extraordinary acts that will be done through you. Be encouraged on today...know that you stand apart, there is no duplicate of you. Patterned after a loving father in his image and likeness. Blessed beyond measure and imagination. ReMARKable friend, be encouraged today. Don't let the turmoil shake your faith. You get on your mark, recognize your mark and know that you are...truly and without doubt.... ReMARKable you are. Psalms 139:13-14, fearfully and wonderfully made...

Press towards the mark

Another beautiful day, I acknowledge my shortcoming in failing to share the epiphany for the last two days, please forgive me and continue to pray for me. Victory is mine. I can tell you that I am so blessed to be in this race...on this seventh day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. I am determined to Get on my mark, display my mark, and press towards the mark. What mark? Let's today discuss the Mark of the High calling in Christ Jesus. As we press towards it, through the tares and snares, as we conquer our fears and shed many tears, we press towards the mark . When there are so many reasons to give up, we press, when we cannot see our way, we press, when there is heartache and pain, we press. Because it is so important to reach the mark. Do you hear the scripture clearly, the mark is not the prize, but is does position you for it. So the press is in the prep, the press is in the preliminary, prelude to the promise. If it were easy to get to the mark, there would be ...

Mark on you...

My friends, this is the day...the Lord's day,the fourth day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. You are on your mark? I hope so, did you know that there is a mark on you? The Bible tells us to mark the perfect man for the end of that man is peace, Proverbs 37:37. Just as children are born with marks, certain characteristics that sets them apart, so are we, both naturally and spiritually. Mark on you, God has placed that special imrint on you that sets you apart. Just has he has numbered the hairs on your head, he has a mark on you so that he can identify you from anyone else. You are so important to God that He marked you with his own blood, formed you in His image and likeness. When He looks at you, He wants to see His reflection. What Mark is on you? If you have not accepted the free gift of life through repentance, then the mark on you is not of God. But He is waiting to claim you as His own. Cain had a mark to keep him from being killed, though he deserved to die...

On your Mark-forget the past and press

Good day greetings to you. It is the third day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. A blessed day indeed...moments to reflect and determine if you are on your mark, if not, are your preparing to get on your mark. Did you forget where your mark is? Are you on someone else's mark. you cannot have a successful finish if you do not have a proper start. I would like to give you this word of encouragement today. Even if you are not on your mark, even if you started and feel like you fell of the race some time ago, there is still hope. This is a marathon not a sprint. It will take a lifetime for you to finish this race. But you can't finish if you don't start. Please don't worry about the past (Phillipians 3:14), live in the present and strive for the bright future. I will give you for your meditation today...forget those things that are behind...and Press. Press to find your mark, presss to prepare yourself for what the race will entail and press to get on your...

On your Mark

My dear, dear friends, I trust that you are enjoying the blessings of the Lord on today. It is the second day in the twelfth month in the year 2010. Are you on your mark yet ? What, you aren't ready yet? Do you have the proper garments for the race? It is important that you make the proper preparation to ensure a fantastic finish. Before you get on your mark , make sure you are adorned properly. In this race you are preparing for, it is not as important that you run swiftly, but that you are ready for the race that is set before you. In our rule book (The Bible), it tells us what is required for this particular race, before you get on your mark need to make preparations. There will be obstacles in the race, wars and other challenges, but if you are guarded properly from head to toe, you will be able to stand. So, my friends, before you get on your mark ....check your amour...Ephesians 6:10-18, from head to toe...prepare yourself and then get moving so you can get o...

On Your Mark

My friends and well wishers, Welcome to December, it is the first day of the twelfth month in the year 2010. Today, I would encourage you with information On your mark. Recently, I was asked to share a word and the Lord whispered into my spirit On your mark . I said yes. Then my mind was filled with all kinds of revelations concerning the mark. What is the mark? What is MY mark? A birth mark, a mark on the ground, what mark am I dealing with here. This month I will begin with getting on your mark . We will try to understand what's on your mark , where is your mark, and how to get to it. Initially, I would like you to be aware that we are in a race, The human race, a christian race. We are running through this life, on this journey to get to our eternal destination. Ask yourself a question, when God is looking for you to take you to the next portion of this relay, are you on your mark . As the atmosphere, the players, the judges and others are getting in place to move...