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Showing posts from September, 2010

Thankful Thoughts

Just another I live and breath....breath in, breath out....I think thankful thoughts....a sound mind, activity of all my limbs...salvation and liberty as a result.....not bound by my past...pressing towards a promising future...destined for greatness....trusting God every step of the way. Thankful thoughts of blood that washed away my sins, thankful thoughts of grace that is sufficient....and truly trusting that as I surrender to the P.O.W.E.R. of God that is within me....He will continue to hold me steadfast and unmoveble as I continue on this journey of life. Thankful thoughts make my heart glad, thankful thoughts are what will take me to the next level. Never will I cease to praise Him for He has done great things for me. Think Thankful.....the end has been determined.