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The halfway Mark....

Greetings My Sisters (et. al),

My goodness, it has been a long time since I've shared with you here. I would like to however say that God is getting the Glory. I looked up at the calendar and realized that we are at the HALFWAY MARK. Right in the middle.....6 months from the new year and six months from the old year. I realize that in many areas in my life.....I am at the Halfway Mark. A pivitol point, a time that can either go one way or the other.....An opportunity for success or failure, defeat or triumph and all of this comes to ensure that our purpose is fulfilled and that our lives exhibit the FULLNESS AND GLORY that God desires.

These last few months have been quite interesting to me...I have had great days and not so great days, but I am grateful that I've learned to adjust in whatever situation presented itself. I had special tools, P.O.W.E.R. Tools that sustained me through the most difficult times. I am grateful for you, because you are part of the motivation that keeps me from falling, from failing, from giving up on my Life Purpose....and I hope that I am that voice in your heart and soul that reminds you that you are great in the kingdom and that you have the most unique assignment on earth. You are the only one that God created for the purpose with which he empowered hang in there, and don't give up. The best is yet to be.

I can say, I have been through the water....I did not drown, I have been through the fire....and it did not burn me up. Now, I am prepared for the other half of this year's journey with a new sense of fortitude and attitude....because God promised me....this is the year....God wanted me to remind you ...this is the year....for US to experience FULLNESS and for his GLORY to be revealed to Nations through us.

Go forward from this HALFWAY MARK and finish what has begun in you!!!!!!!


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