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Flesh works...Spirit Bears

It is a great day...this thirteenth day in the eleventh month in the year 2010. So blessed to be here. Closing out a week examining the topic of seed time and harvest. Guess what my friends, we are always bearing fruit. It is the end result of what we have sown, what has been sown into us and how we cultivate what we have. The Bible reminds us that we know the Tree (person) by the Fruit it Bears. We identify what is inside of a person by what comes out of them. A person is defiled by what comes out of him. In Galations 5:19 Paul helps us to recognize that the flesh works but the spirit bears. When trying to do the things of God, the result, what we bear is the FRUIT of the spirit. This is Love, joy, peace, etc. When a person is in the flesh...he cannot produce the Fruit of the spirit. He has to work in a manner that is superficial. Not real, not easy, because the flesh and the spirit are contrary one to the other. The flesh works and manifest such things as spoken of by Paul, adultery, fornication, uncleaness, laciviousness and the like. We could not bear the proper fruit operating in the flesh. In fact, we could not bear fruit at all in the flesh. The Flesh works, in deceit, dishonor, guilt, etc...but the spirit bears peace, longsuffering, goodness faith. What a concept!!! For so many years, I myself just accepted that the flesh produced fruit. But, as confirmation to our past lessons, it is the spirit, the heart of man that God conditions to bear fruit. What a revelation!! The flesh works everything that is in direct conflict with the spirit. The only way the Spirit Bears the fruit is by killing the flesh. The Flesh must die, just like we amputate a limb that is no longer functioning, the flesh must die to keep from destroying the whole body...If we are in christ and expecting to bear fruit, we must take the initiative, to examine ourselves and crucify the flesh. Stop it from working and destroying the harvest. My friend, the Flesh Works...the Spirit Bears resulting in destruction or righteous fruit....what are you going to do; Destroy the Flesh or Save the Soul.

Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman


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