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R&R - Review & Renew

My sister, my friend, it is new day. The ninth day in the first month in the year 2011. A time of R&R. Today, I continue to thank God for His promise to ReCover & ReStore. As God is being God, I must continue to work with faith. I am always seeking the face of God for my life and actions. I learned, that when I take time to reflect and review this journey, looking at my present state, weighing in on the issues of life, seeing the test that I have come through and just like your teacher hands you back a test in school and you have the opportunity to review it and see what you got wrong, such is life. I believe that we are given the opportunity, the blessing of a memory, to enable us to look back on some things, not with regret, but with the mind to pass the test the next time, or to avoid the same result. Review and Renew, good tools of P.O.W.E.R. for a blessed future. Review, look over it, examine carefully what has happened, note how, why and what might have prevented it. When you Review you should always have the mind to determine the positive and the negative of your experiences. You should continue to practice and apply those things that brought good results and eliminate those things that created negative results. It could be your attitude, Review and Renew. It could be the time you keep wasting on people, places and things that do not have a positive effect on your walk with God, Review and Renew. You might have lost hope and are in a slump, Review and Renew. Your fire of desire to fulfill the Purpose of God might have gone out, Review and Renew. Review where you are, how you got there, and if that is the place you want to be, if not, Renew. Remember when you first fell in Love with the Master, when you first discovered that He had a crush on you. Renew your commitment, Renew your determination and your dedication to be a vessel of honor for His Glory...Accept the new mercies that are extended to you every morning...and Walk in the promises. Acknowledge the times passed, no, you cannot change them, but you can change you as you step into your tomorrow. You can be renewed, God can rebuild you, from the ashes he can bring forth life. New life and New hope. It's yours for the asking.

Find out where you are....Review...Prepare for where you are going...Renew. And don't be afraid to live the abundant life that your father has destined for you.

Epiphany of a CERTAIN Woman


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